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Read Psalms 33 &34

Key Verse:

"I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth."(Psalm 34:1)


        Psalm 33 answers the invitation of Psalm 32:11 (they were originally one psalm), for all the righteous and upright to rejoice in the Lord and shout for joy. The response was one of corporate praise and worship with singing and musical instruments. The ocassion of David's wise and insightful sermon (his testimony of God's forgiveness, Psalm 32) warranted the composition of "a new song" (33:3) of glorification and adoration to God who is to be praised for his goodness and faithfulness, as well as His marvelous creative work of the universe. Alluding to the Genesis account of creation, the psalmist stands in awe and magnifies the Lord who merely had to speak the word, and it was done (33:9).

        The Lord's sovereignty is further expressed by contrasting mankind's weak and futile plans with God's enduring and authoritative word, plans, and purposes: "The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generations" (34:11). The greatest plan of God's heart for mankind was the plan of redemption in sending His Son Jesus, so that our souls might be saved from death. Because God loves us, He is truly interested in all we do. His omniscience (all-knowing/all-seeing) is yet another reason the psalmist notes for which He is worthy of praise. For the redeemed, He is the watchful Shepherd and His eye upon them is welcomed (33:18-19); but for the wicked, He is the Judge that punishes, for He not only sees all the deeds of man but understands the heart of man (33:13-15). The song of praise concludes with a prayer of faith: "Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, just as we hope in You" (33:22). In this prayer we are reminded of the words of Jesus when He was called upon to show mercy: "According to your faith let it be to you" (Matthew 9:29).

        Psalm 34 is a Hebrew acrostic of praise to God (like Psalm 25) and was written after David's bitter experience of his lack of faith in running from Saul to the Philistine city of Gath and feigning madness before the king, who threw him out. From Gath he escaped to the cave of Adullam where the Lord sent him four hundred men to support him (1 Samuel 21:10-15; 22:1-2). David was humbled and yet enlightened by this experience. Through it, he came to understand more fully the grace and mercy of God, who was his all-sufficiency.

        David resolved in his heart to continually praise the Lord, no matter what the situation (34:1; cf. Philippians 4:4; Hebrews 13:15), and like the Apostle Paul, he came to realize that his only boast was in the Lord (Galatians 6:14; Jeremiah 9:23,24). He saw that the Lord was deserving of more than just his own praises, so he urged others to participate with him in worship that would magnify and exalt the Lord.

        David's shameful behaviour in Gath was because of fear, but God delivered him from all his fears after he sought the Lord (34:4, likely in the cave of Adullam). David referred to himself as "this poor man", meaning he was desparate, troubled, and in need of help; but with one sincere prayer, God brought him salvation from all his troubles and increased his faith, confidence, and boldness (34:6; cf. 2 Timothy 1:7).

        With the familiar words "taste and see that the Lord is good", David challenged the congregation to test God's goodness (cf. 1 Peter 2:3), for if they had but a taste, they would desire more of Him. They would indeed learn that blessed is the man who trusts, fears, and seeks the Lord, for God is faithful to provide for every need (34:8-10; 84:11; Philippians 4:6; Matthew 6:32-34).

        David's experiential knowledge gave him the right to warn and instruct others, so that they might not make the same mistakes. He called upon all his children, young and old, to listen to his words of wisdom. By answering his own question, he instructed the people in what they must do to have a long happy life. They were to: 1) keep their tongue from evil and guile, for that which comes from the mouth reflects that which is within the heart; 2) not only depart from evil, but "do good" (put God's law into practice); and 3) not only seek peace but pursue it, which the Apostle Paul teaches as including practicing those things which edify one another (Romans 14:19).

        Those who practice righteousness, fear God, and approach Him with humility and brokenness are also blessed with the close presence of the Angel of the Lord, namely our Lord Jesus (34:7, 17-18; Joshua 5:14-15; Isaiah 63:9). From John's gospel, we learn that David was speaking prophetically by referring to Jesus as "the righteous [man]" whose afflictions were many, but God delivered Him, and not one of his bones were broken (34:19-20; John 19:33, 36). Jesus is truly the main character of the whole Bible, not just of the New Testament.


        Oh God, as we read through the Psalms, our hearts are joined with the psalmist in praise for who You are and all Your wonderful deeds. We too have tasted and have seen that You are good!

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