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Read Proverbs 4&5

Key Verse:

"Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life."(Proverbs 4:23)


        As we are told from the beginning of Proverbs 4, Solomon was fortunate to have a father that impressed upon him the importance and necessity of attaining wisdom and serving God with a loyal heart (1 Chron. 28:9). King David's words were indeed retained in Solomon's heart (4:4), for when God asked Solomon what he wanted, he remembered the words of his father and, as is well known, his response was "give me wisdom and knowledge" (2 Chron. 1:10; cf. 1 Kings 3:5-9). The Lord happily granted Solomon's request, which is not only attested to in history (1 Kings 4:29-30; 2 Chron. 9:5-6) but is evidenced in this Book of Proverbs. His father David had told him that if he embraced and exalted wisdom as he would a most beloved wife, then wisdom would promote him and bring him honour. David illustrated this by referring to the ancient practice in the marriage ceremony when the bride would put a wreath ("a crown of glory") upon the bridegroom's head (4:9).

        Like his father, Solomon instructed his children in the way of wisdom, but it appears he was especially attentive to the son who would succeed him upon the throne (compare 4:1 "my children" to 4:10, 20, "my son"). The spiritual and political welfare of the nation was often dependent upon the type of king that ruled over them. The history of Israel attests to the fact that when godly kings reigned, having the wisdom of God to guide them, it went well with the nation.

        The wise advice to the student (who is a person of any age) is to take hold of wise instruction and not let it go, for it will bring life. The path of the wicked, however, is a path of darkness which is to be avoided and shunned at all costs. In total contrast, the path of the righteous is like a bright light and those who faithfully continue to travel upon it all the days of their life get ever closer to the source of that light and closer to the "perfect day" when they will stand before the Lord Jesus, the Light of the World (4:18; John 1:9).

        In our walk of faith, we must be careful to diligently guard our hearts from any impurity, as well as carefully consider the path we are taking and resolve to keep our eyes on the Lord, for if we do that we will not stray from the right path (4:23, 25-26). If one's mouth speaks lies and perversity, then it shows that the heart within is equally perverse (4:24; Matt. 15:18-19). But if we feed on the Word of God and upon pure and lovely things, then equally lovely things will come out of our mouths and bring forth life as well as health in all areas: mind, body and soul (4:21-22), which all spring from the peace of God in our hearts (Phil. 4:8-9; Luke 6:45).

        An important part of the life-giving divine wisdom taught by Solomon in chapter 5 is marital fidelity, as he gives a strong warning to stay far from, and not even consider, sexual immorality. Solomon begins by warning his student about the evils of adultery. The immoral person's lips are full of flattery and sweet sounding words of enticement, but in actuality, what appears to be honey turns out to be the most bitter of all herbs; what was thought to be satisfying and soothing (like oil) turns out to be a sharp sword that breaks a person a part, gives a fatal blow, and cuts him off from the blessings of God (4:4; 10-11). As Solomon continues, he appears to speak from personal experience, saying that those who commit adultery will be the losers and will certainly come to regret it, for it will put them to public shame and leave them on the verge of total ruin (4:12-14) unless they repent and the Lord intervenes to forgive and restore wisdom.

        With an illustration of a fountain of water, Solomon shows the importance and Tightness of remaining faithful to one's spouse, for only with that person will there ever be true and lasting satisfaction, and God will bless them because of their fidelity in honouring their marriage covenant (5:18). God sees all that mankind does, even in the privacy of the bedroom, so Solomon warns that the one who persistently lives promiscuously will be known by God and receive the punishment due him. His sinful foolishness in leaving God and His ways will entrap him and he will have reached the point where he can no longer receive instruction or God's grace; thus he will die in sin (cf. Rom. 1:28-32).


        Dear Lord, we pray that You would reveal to us the importance of that which we put into our hearts, for it affects all aspects of our lives. May we fill our hearts so full of You and Your Word that there would be no room for negative influences.

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